Prime Time to Start a Blog


If you are here, it means you’ve found the start of my blog. As I’m starting this, we are in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic. Sure, I have more time on my hands with gigs being cancelled and other work made remote. But, that doesn’t mean I, or anyone else, is required or expected to use the extra time to be productive. In fact, I’ve deliberately taken the extra time and the sudden break in activity to take care of myself. My goals - I’m goal driven in everything I do - are to rest, eat healthy, exercise, and in general, take care of myself. I can’t truly create if I’m stretching myself thin all of the time.

So, some may say that now is a prime time to start a blog. But, for me, I’m not so sure. At this moment, I feel encouraged and ready to start a blog, but maybe it’ll be a few more weeks before I write my first (real) entry. And you know what? That’s ok. Or, at least that’s what I keep reminding myself for this and all of my other projects.

So if you’re here, perhaps I’ll have a new blog up in a week or perhaps in a month or perhaps in a year. All I know right now is that I have plenty of thoughts to share, and they will be my honest thoughts, whether they’re popular or not. But, I don’t know when I’ll get around to putting them down in writing. So stay safe and take care of yourself - no amount of productivity is worth sacrificing your well being.

Much love to all.

(Photo by Liberty Fets Photography at Solid Sound Studio in Ann Arbor 6-25-19)

(Photo by Liberty Fets Photography at Solid Sound Studio in Ann Arbor 6-25-19)

Joseph Herbst